Dzisiaj pokażę Wam, co uszyłam (przed chwilą), ale również pochwalę się obrazkiem, który teraz wyszywam. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się go dzisiaj skończyć, ewentualnie jutro. :)
Today I'll show you what I've made (just), but also I'll brag about the picture, which is now embroidered by me. I hope I'll finish it today, or tomorrow. :)
Today I'll show you what I've made (just), but also I'll brag about the picture, which is now embroidered by me. I hope I'll finish it today, or tomorrow. :)
Podobają mi się bardzo te arbuzy, są takie.... wakacyjne.
Teraz czas na krzyżyki. Wyszywam ten obrazek od dwóch dni, niestety nie mam na niego tyle czasu ile bym chciała, ale i tak szybko powstaje. Zobaczcie sami.
I like so much these watermelons, they're so like.... holiday.
Now it's time for stitches. I cross stich this picture for two days, unfortunatelly I don't have as much time as I would like to have, but it's arising so fast. See it yourself.
Now it's time for stitches. I cross stich this picture for two days, unfortunatelly I don't have as much time as I would like to have, but it's arising so fast. See it yourself.
That's all for today. Soon You'll see more!